"I think playing football lowers your IQ."
By 'Star Quarterback' Andy Capes
Newman's Notes: I've always considered this one of our worst issues, but it contains two of my favorite articles, "Conspiracy Corner: Beeps On The P.A." and "Because I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough..." Because I'm Good Enough, in particular, is one of my favorite articles ever, because of the way it makes fun of the ridiculous inspirational posters they put up around the halls at East. The Conspiracy Corner was barely noticed, but I still think it's one of the best. Because I'm Good Enough and "Local TV Station Reports Actual News" were written by me over Christmas vacation in Ohio. The large amount of online-only articles is because of the long period of time between issues, so we wrote a lot and felt a need to print a lot. There are actually a couple articles that didn't even get published from this time.